Claudia Lemay is a Registered Dietitian in Burlington, ON. She has experience in many fields and specializes in promoting health and wellness through changing eating habits for long-term well-being. She also specializes in the nutritional management of IBS (FODMAPs diet), allergies, celiac disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes as well as picky eating/problem feedings related to sensory processing disorders and/or autism. (She is SOS trained).
Claudia is the author of two children’s books. Her first book for children is about nutrition in general and is called Stargold The Food Fairy. She wrote it for her daughter Amélie, who at a young age, was not impressed with her mom whenever she served vegetables at meals. Claudia also created teaching tools from the book so that parents and teachers can explain the importance of nutrition to their children and students. Along with Vesanto Melina, RD, has written the Stargold The Food Fairy (Plant-Based Edition). Her second book is more specific; it is about a child with diabetes and is called Lucie, Brody and The Food Fairy. Claudia is also currently working on her third book for children, which will be on the topic of severe food allergies/anaphylaxis and a first book for adults about the long term detrimental effects of diets- and how they don’t work.
She also produced a pictures-only cooking booklet for children called Stargold’s No-Recipe Recipes. The booklet contains easy visual beginner recipes that can teach anyone the basics of cooking without requiring a specific recipe.